Spray Bottle of TOPCLIN Mould Remover

TOPCLIN Mould Remover

Mould and Mildew Remover

A powerful cleaner that removes mould and mildew stains effectively from washroom surfaces.


Przegląd produktów


A powerful cleaner that removes mould and mildew stains effectively from washroom surfaces.

  • High cleaning performance with bleaching effect
  • Clings to vertical surfaces
  • Product is directly dispensed from its ready-to-use bottle


  • Suitable for use on washroom surfaces such as tile grouting, mastic/sealant and plastic shower curtains.

    Contains a bleaching agent so care must be taken not to use the product outside of the washroom and avoid contact with fabric or clothing, unpainted surfaces, lightly glazed/unglazed tiles, coloured grouts or damaged enamel surfaces.


  • 6 x 750 ml
Zobacz kartę informacji produktu (j. angielski)
  1. Podczas korzystania z produktu należy zawsze nosić zalecane środki ochrony indywidualnej
  2. Use directly from the bottle as a ready to use solution
  3. Spray the affected area
  4. Leave in contact for as long as possible before wiping and/or rinsing off with water
  5. Some ingrained mould or mildew staining may require more than one application 
Topclin Brochure


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