White 10L bottle of TOPCLIN Laundry Softener

TOPCLIN Laundry Softener

Liquid Fabric Softener

An ecological Ecolabel certified fabric softener for use on textiles.


Przegląd produktów


An ecological Ecolabel certified fabric softener for use on textiles.

  • Perfume and dye free
  • Anti-static effect
  • Facilitates the ironing process


  • For use in automatic washing machines on types of textiles made of polyester, cotton, polyester/cotton mix, acryl, polyamide, linen and viscose (not suited for wool, silk and lycra).
  • Only for use in combination with a Liquid Dosing Unit.


  • 10 l


  • DE/039/028
Zobacz kartę informacji produktu (j. angielski)
Oznakowanie EU Ecolabel - DE/039/028

The EU Ecolabel is a label of environmental excellence that is awarded to products and services meeting high environmental standards throughout their life-cycle: from raw material extraction, to production, distribution and disposal. The EU Ecolabel promotes the circular economy by encouraging producers to generate less waste and CO2 during the manufacturing process.

EU-flower is part of a multi-component system and only valid if the dosage recommendations are followed. To be used in-conjunction with TOPCLIN Laundry Detergent.

For use in professional and semi-professional laundry machines. Always attempt to wash full laundry loads whenever possible.

  1. For use Always wear recommended PPE when handling the product.
  2. Remove cap from empty bottle and carefully remove the suction lance NOTE: Never mix chemicals, if you are changing products, rinse the suction lances with water first otherwise blockages may occur
  3. Wyjmij pusty pojemnik i umieść nowy w koszu.
  4. Remove cap and carefully reinsert the suction lances back into the new bottle
  5. Dokręć zakrętkę
  6. Puste pojemniki należy utylizować w sposób odpowiedzialny, należy zawsze wymienić zakrętkę na nową
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