Spray Bottle of TOPCLIN Air Freshener

TOPCLIN Air Freshener

Air freshener and Odour Neutralizer

A ready-to-use air freshener specifically designed to remove unpleasant and unwanted smells.


Przegląd produktów


A ready-to-use air freshener specifically designed to remove unpleasant and unwanted smells.

  • Non-aerosol air freshener
  • Leaves a fresh long-lasting fragrance after use


  • Suitable for use in public and guest areas such as offices, guest rooms, washrooms and public toilets where unpleasant odours are present.


  • 6 x 750 ml
Zobacz kartę informacji produktu (j. angielski)
  1. Podczas korzystania z produktu należy zawsze nosić zalecane środki ochrony indywidualnej
  2. Use directly from the bottle as a ready to use solution
  3. Make sure sprayer is turned to spray mode rather than stream to allow strong atomisation
  4. Using the trigger bottle, direct and spray upwards into the corners of the area
  5. According to the area size spray 2-3 times to leave a pleasant scent, do not over-use
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